this weekend was definitely one of the best ones for me, since I was able to 1) get a camera, finally, and 2) get some new jeans, which I obsess about constantly but can never afford. So, let me elaborate.
from hereSATURDAY:not the best start, since I woke up at 9:30 and was supposed to meet celine and natasha in sunnyside at 10:00 for
MARKET COLLECTIVE! Uh, also another bad start: it was
snowing, which isn't so weird, seeing as how I live in calgary, wonderful calgary. Since I was lazy and kind of sold out to the mass-market crowd, I wore my uggs out and instantly damaged them because I didn't waterproof them, even though I always tell customers to do it. Apparently celine is very punctual and was at the c-train station at 9:50ish, while natasha and I were still sleeping. Despite all that bad stuff, it gets way better! Anyways, we made it into kensington around 11, and was still pretty early for market collective. Firstly, market collective is a really great place for local vendors and artists and musicians, poets, basically anything. It only costs a dollar, or a non-perishable food donation, and it's cheap access to the best flea market around calgary. There's some amazing finds, and I wish I had my camera so I could have some decent proof of it. Split Pea Vintage, which also sells their wares at Freshlife Boutique on.. 1st street I believe? had some really great 15$ sweaters and shirts and dresses. Natasha found the best leather bomber around for 15$, Celine got a sweet dolman sleeve sweater, and I found a nice cardigan that I WISH I bought. We ventured around, saw and heard some really great local bands (I'll take notes next time! I forgot the names already/wasn't paying attention), some amazing artists, especiallu Markus Michel (who doesn't have a website, sadly), who does really crazy cutting. Uhhh, best of all, I GOT A CAMERA! It's a cutie, a Yashica Minister, in its original case. So now I have no excuses, I will finally post some pictures.
Oh yeah, then I went to work, not as interesting.
SUNDAY:also not as interesting as saturday morning, but I finally tried on and actually bought a pair of nudies! Of course, being asian, I got them at a discounted price, thanks to the pusch (poosh?) VIP event, where you get 25% off. So, for a year, I will be wearing my nudies and suffering from blue-hands-blue-legs syndrome. I will post my progress from month to month, if I don't wear out the crotch again.
(HANDY TIP: just email the lovely guys at nudie jeans and they will send you a patch kit! the patches don't have to be for nudies especially, because I used the patches on my much-loved first pair of cheap mondays, dubbed Frank(enstein), which now have irrepairable holes...)uhh oh yes, I also studied but kind of not really studied, computer science.