Tuesday, January 19, 2010

good times

à la a boy in my grade 10 art class. He probably doesn't remember he wrote it, but I somehow found it today in my old papers. I love it. I remember dumb stuff that happens. and today I also saw the OLYMPIC TORCH at the oval. It was well worth waking up at 6:30AM.

and then I got these books errr, this weekend. One is for my english dramatic lit class. guess which one. I also got new nail polish, naturally. It's matte, from Sephora. Which is way cheaper than the stuff from aritzia. except the brand at aritzia, KO aka. Knock Out, has way more colors AND has Karen-fucking-O as their spokesmodel AND hand model. I'm sure it's probably quality stuff, too. but I'm cheap, so whatevssss.