Monday, May 31, 2010

two in the shirt

via Flickr

So as me and my friend Chelsea are walking back from a delicious meal of Tubby Dawwwwwg... a lovely, professional man, driving his lovely, professional car, stops us and says:


Like seriouslyyyy. The city I live in...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

(via Flickr)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rainy Day

(VIA: Le Love)

So because the weather was completely bogus today, I spent most of my afternoon on the internet and I found this awesome site called Stereo Mood it creates a playlist for you based on your mood! Thankfully Rainy Day happened to be one of them! CHECK IT OUT HERE: STEREO MOOD

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

my poor fuckin' necklace

from the cobrasnake

Crazy weekend. Steve Aoki at Flames Central on Sunday... I must admit, I imagined FC to be a lame sports bar-type club. It's really not, very modern/european, great setup. I'm impressed. Now tooo the music.. not what I was hoping for. Aoki throws a mad party, but he played the same song three times (although reworked). Not impressed. But still amazing! The Cobrasnake was chillin' and snappin' up photos, it was all cool until I saw my friend who got me onstage. Then it got insane.

Anyways, bad points of the night: halfway through Aoki's banging set, I realise my necklace (made from my mom's old foot-in-sandal-trinket) IS GONE. ALONG WITH MY HOUSEKEYS. So I panic, crawl around people's legs and get my hands/feet stepped on, until I find the mangled pieces of my necklace/trinket and my fully-intact housekeys. The poor little necklace is about 80% okay and still wearable, minus the thin wires around the foot and the diamond that was wrapped in the wires. I hate losing things. I hate having things broken. I wish I never wore it. That little diamond is probably lying somewhere in the trash, crying.

I'm scared to tell my mother.

Friday, May 21, 2010


even though it's been really crazy right now, what with spring courses, work, being home alone with my brother for six weeks... I still feel a little stir-crazy. Maybe it's the fact that everyone else I know is having a blast with their summer..

I found a bunch of DIY sites and projects that are the perfect thing to cure this stir-craziness:
1) P.S. I made this
2) Design Sponge

looooooving these:





Thursday, May 20, 2010

My very talented friend.

I thought i'd introduce you all to my very talented buddy Evan and his music!
His solo project is called Constellation Springtime and is reminiscent Grizzly Bear, Islands, and a little bit like Department of Eagles its all very airy and happy yet sad! I love it!

You can listen HERE!

P.S my favorite is Jessica!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm feelin' a little portraiture coming uppp...
Also a little self-promotion here: my art got posted on EatSleepDraw a while ago! The link is here. It's a portrait I did for Celine in grade 12. Gotta say, one of my faves.. I wish I'd kept it for myself. But I'm glad I gave to someone I loooove. :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If I Had a Million Dollars

the cheesy song reference just doesn't suit this classy website.. I'm drooling over the estate jewelry here. Also can't wait until the day I've arranged-marriaged my way to a wealthy oil tycoon.


P.S. I learned how to use a dryer today. Oh, and I started spring courses yesterday. I kind of like it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

sound as space

two posts in one day. I was doing a little six degrees with Shelby's link and I found this amazing installation by Lianna Herzog that takes sound readings and translates them into 3D art! loving it. Apparently she's not the only one. A lot of artists like Andy Huntington have taken sound and made it a physical, touchable objet d'art. I'm obsessed.

images from flickr and extraversion


Today was my only day off from work, right before I started spring courses, so I met up with my bud Tianna for half-price frappucinos and then a little thrifting at the dollar store! Usually I go to the dollar store for some cheap craft supplies and whatnot, but today we found some really sweet pez dispensers! Remember those? I actually missed my old one that I got for my.. 9th birthday? So I picked up a couple... Iron Man and C3PO. Of course I won't use them, but it's nice to think about the good old days when I didn't need to stress about school or have to take care of myself

from tv squad

Saturday, May 15, 2010 + Flickr respectively

The Only Home We Have Ever Known

Heading to Czech in one day! So expect some even more delayed postings from me. Here's a pic of my new home, BRNO!

Also inspired by L's post about the cosmos is a lovely youtube clip. This speech was from Carl Sagan's intro of his book "Pale Blue Dot". I watched this before all my exams so I hope it inspires and pumps you up the same way it did for me.

Friday, May 14, 2010



feelin' a little tired and dry-eyed.. but I miss having my little astronomy classes at the Calgary Science Center (RIP). I was a little bored and feelin' a little philosophical so I checked out NASA's huge stash of space photos.. really loving it.

Also, can't wait for a little photo-taking of my own! Placed a tiny bid on a Canon Rebel XSi! Also nabbed a pair of ksubis.. might be getting another pair.

My little eBay addiction is getting out of hand...

all images from NASA

Typography Mustaches

The designer in me LOVES these typography mustaches found at BLOGLESS
I gotta say my favorite is Impact

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Clap your hands if you want some.

Clap your hands if you need some.

Clap your hands if you can't wait.

Ruff St-icks

Just came back from Portland. Tax free shopping is amazing, but also leaves you with a much lighter wallet.

Went to Powell's and picked up some awesome books. Two old travel guides (one from 1937 the other 1785). I love those old books because they have amazing color paintings and also were made in a time where not every thing was known. The world is better with a little mystery.

I also snatched a great coffee table book (I've collected quite a few now) on Punks and Skins in England during the mid-Eighties. From Antro I also found Sophie Dahl's cook book (Roald Dahl's granddaughter). Anything that last name is attached to is amazing and I've already made three recipes which were heaven in my mouth. She also writes funny little comments in the instructions so its even a fun read!

Some snapshots from Skins and Punks

Saturday, May 8, 2010

betty white

watching SNL with Betty White. Ha ha ha. Enough said.

photo from shockya

Friday, May 7, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'd give anything to be her... even my brother! ha just kidding..

Nighttime Reading

photos from flickr

Monday, May 3, 2010

some favorites from Flickr.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Playwrights Teach Us Nothing About Love

A little bit of romantic cheesiness is good for the soul. And when its as well done in a movie like Shakespeare in Love, it can just make the heart sing! This is one of my all time favorite movies and I suggest that if you haven't seen this movie that you should go get up, right now, actually, and buy it. So beautiful, tragic, and perfect. Romeo and Juliet sans confusing and bewildered memories from english class.