I realised the other day how behind I am in things that I need to buy. it sounds so stupid and materialistic but like, really, I looked in my closet and all I had was shades of grey. I love black too much. but really I can't help it. so:
1) leather jacket
2) double ring
3) digital camera
4) studded booties
5) studded bag
6) multiple tights and leggings
7) more jeans (ksubi, dr. denim, aaand more nudies maybe)
8) shorts
9) linen shirts with unique cuts
10) more shoes
11) chains, chains, chains in/on everything
12) juiceheads
13) all seasons of arrested development, extras, and BBC's the office
14) more film
15) leather
on the topic of wants, I'm also hopefully getting a tattoo during reading week! I'm kind of flip-flopping between it since it's absolutely permanent and I would hate to regret it.. anyways, it's a triangley design I drew myself. I've also been looking at some smaller designs for other spots. I love the idea of hobo signs; the little symbols hobos use to tell other hobos things about the area. I saw a movie where they used those and I thought it was fascinating! so maybe those little symbols. I know people are fans of having huge meanings behind their tattoos, which I kind of do, I really don't hate it, but please don't dis others for not having meaning behind theirs. These hobo signs aren't really going to have much meaning for me, but the triangle is a biggie for me.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
A random moment of "Wisdom" and Wizards
Why not make your life everything you've ever wanted it to be?
on another note, here is a sweet video I found while surfing the interwebz
This is such a great video, its so awesome to combine art and skateboarding!!
also, if you're interested Salazarfilm.com has some other cool motion pictures!
I think its completely possible to do what you want, and make you're dreams come true. As long you have the drive and passion for something you can do anything.
Don't let failure be an option.
on another note, here is a sweet video I found while surfing the interwebz
This is such a great video, its so awesome to combine art and skateboarding!!
also, if you're interested Salazarfilm.com has some other cool motion pictures!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
At the Zombie Zoo
So I haven't posted for awhile, because school has been super busy! But I finally had a break this weekend and got a chance to go out and take some photos, I'm kinda pleased with how some of them turned out.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ordinary is no place to be; I'm here
Today is a good day. First of all there were perogies in the caf today (which I had for both breakfast and dinner), secondly Spike Jonze released a trailer for his new short film, "I'm Here," which looks like it might honestly make me cry. For those of you who know me that is a very hard and easy thing to do. It looks reeeeeeeeeal good and heres some snapshots from the book that was produced alongside the short!
Link for the trailer:
Link for the trailer:
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I had a dentist appointment today -- I dread going there -- I have 3 cavities and my wisdom teeth have to be taken out. TERRIBLE. but anyways, afterwards I had a half-hour to waste after my stupid fluoride treatment, which makes me nauseous. so I stopped by the GOODWILL nearby and perused. Back when I was in about grade 7 or 8 I went to goodwill and tried to find a polaroid camera, and I found one for 20 dollars! Which, for my young self, was really expensive, and I haven't found a polaroid camera since. anyways, I went to day and lucky me I found another polaroid. I opened up the film slot to check if it had any film, and found a pack, except I wasn't sure if it was empty or not. So I took a picture of the bookshelves along the walls. AND A PHOTO CAME OUT. Even though the film is definitely expired and yellowy, once I knew that there was film in the camera, and it was only ten dollars, I bought it. Now I have six photos left in this fancy camera, photos that I'm definitely not willing to give up on just any photo-op. these are special photos.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Joseph Ling + KING KHAN
I don't like math. I hate math. If I could personify math, it would be Attila the Hun. I would punch it in the face. BUT I LOVE MY PROF. No joke, he is a great teacher and a great person. Anyways, now that I'm finished my calculus assignment, I've lately become obsessed with KING KHAN & THE SHRINES and THE KING KHAN & BBQ SHOW. It's great old-school punk with a little bit of surfer reverb stuck in there, which has really gotten into my head lately. Plus, me and shelby were talking about good summer songs, and I really think that this crazy surfer music is GREAT for summer. So maybe me/shelby/drew will be posting some summer songs to warm up the fucking-cold winter months. VoilĂ :
Sunday, January 24, 2010
ho-kay, so I went to the marquee room with my friend Emma last night to check out her friend's band, along with a few others. Firstlyyy, the MARQUEE ROOM (note: their website is dangerously under-updated) is an amazing spot, like a small little dive that's joint with an old-school movie theatre. Plus, I can proudly say that they do have calgary's best popcorn, as I was lucky enough to try some. So, with the bands: all of them were huuugely different but for some reason worked so well together. The first, Chris Gheran was greeeat. He's a little solo act, playing the acoustic, ukulele, and the organ, and his voice is amazing. It's a little folksy, jason-mraz-esque, and really catchy and lovable. Thenn there was Wayfarer, which was straight-up old-school rock and roll with some bluesy stuff happening (at least it sounded like it to me). Emma's friend's band was great, definitely folksy with a lot of other influences. Their songs were put together really well, great harmonies and all that jazz. We had to leave after that, but me and Emma managed to catch two songs from Matt Blais, and they were ahhh-mazing. SO bluesy, and they had great piano bits in their songs. Matt Blais' voice is also amazing, really soulful and super powerful. I wish I had a camera to show how great it was, but alas, I am sans-camera. :(
Friday, January 22, 2010
Lykke Li, Lykke Mi
I was just checking up on a few bands and eventually I ended up on Lykke Li's blog. This was her entry from Dec. 8 and I think its really beautiful.
STILL. Sneak-peak into ones mind. Tuesdays child. Sometimes I forget that stillness is a part of life. It's standing kind of still right now. The calm before the storm. Could be, could be not. It all depends on what you need. What you give. What you take. My favorite thing right now is sleeping. Sleeping in shades. You cant push words. The feeling leads it. I'm joining hands with the little on inside of me. I feel ready, life, hit me. Silence is everywhere if you seek it... I'm really good at forgetting things accomplished, but good at remembering things diminished. I read somewhere: Love is short, forgetting is long. Things change and don't change. My hair is way darker now. Wednesdays child.
STILL. Sneak-peak into ones mind. Tuesdays child. Sometimes I forget that stillness is a part of life. It's standing kind of still right now. The calm before the storm. Could be, could be not. It all depends on what you need. What you give. What you take. My favorite thing right now is sleeping. Sleeping in shades. You cant push words. The feeling leads it. I'm joining hands with the little on inside of me. I feel ready, life, hit me. Silence is everywhere if you seek it... I'm really good at forgetting things accomplished, but good at remembering things diminished. I read somewhere: Love is short, forgetting is long. Things change and don't change. My hair is way darker now. Wednesdays child.
Australia and AMERICA
Australia has been lying low on the radar in my opinion for some time, but now they are seriously coming back with some pretty feisty stuff. SO many good bands have been coming out of there recently like Sneaky Sound System, Cut/Copy, The Presets, Empire of the Sun, and Sia. They also have Kylie Minogue on their side whom doesn't seem like a good artist but trust me shes amazing. The gays got it right on this one. With good artists comes magazines, and these are some saucy periodicals. The BEST mags like Frankie, Another Man, and Dazed and Confused (who had an amazing spread a couple of months ago of Where the Wilds Things Are) continually have great articles inside them and a lot of free stuff. Their TV is so good too! Summer Heights High, enough said. If you haven't heard of it, then look it up on YOUTUBE right now, it may be the best decision of your day. There's something about Australia that has just got me hooked and I'm really into it.
They also have ridiculously good-looking people in that country.
Whilst on the topic of countries, my sister and i were talking about weird American things. One of the strangest things I find is their need for his and her sinks. I cannot tell you one Canadian family that has two sinks in one bathroom. We have survived generations without this so why do so many American people think of them as a necessity? I dont understand why you need two either, honestly you are not going to brush your teeth together at the same time as your husband/wife. No one does that, its just weird.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I got a hole in my nudies around december because of boxing day (lots of climbing shelves and running around) but I still wore them until now. Basically it was me kind of walking/shuffling like a cowboy so I didn't make the hole bigger. THEN I got another hole. Fortunately for me and also very coolly of nudie jeans, the second I got a hole in them I sent for a patch kit! and it came today. Amazing. and pretty fast, since it comes from sweeeeden. I love nudies. So soft. Highly recommended.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Hello all, I recently was asked to join the smashing team of The BFGS and how could i resist? Its all too fantastic that anymore praise more would be simply far short of the honor.
For my first post (!) I would like to share the wonder of Berlin Fashion week, one of the best there is in his royal highness' opinion, for its far edgier, alien, and rock n roll chic, which is what life is all really about. As it has not yet begun, DERZEIT gives us a wonderful sampling of things to come enjoy.
PS follow the link to read the whole thing!
Feeling Infinite.
(Ps. This is the very car in which this amazing memory took place)
Lately, because i've totally been in a summer kind of mood i've been thinking about some of the most significant moments in my life (most of them occur in the summer). One moment in particular really stuck with me.
It was summertime and one of my best friends and her boyfriend were driving in his car near Invermere it was really late at night so our car was the only one on the road and you could only see what was illuminated by his headlights. We were all in a pretty chill mood so I said "guys you have to listen to this song its perfect for right now!" So I put on Poison Oak by Bright Eyes we listened to it and were all silent. My close friend decided we should listen to it again and then tell each other what we think the song is about. I can remember being totally surrounded by the music and the moment of the 3 of us driving down the road late at night in the mountains. It really just made me appreciate my friends, the summer, the song, where we were, the weather and life in general. When I write it down it doesn't seem that momentous or incredible but it is the way I remember it.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
good times
Ă la a boy in my grade 10 art class. He probably doesn't remember he wrote it, but I somehow found it today in my old papers. I love it. I remember dumb stuff that happens. and today I also saw the OLYMPIC TORCH at the oval. It was well worth waking up at 6:30AM.
and then I got these books errr, this weekend. One is for my english dramatic lit class. guess which one. I also got new nail polish, naturally. It's matte, from Sephora. Which is way cheaper than the stuff from aritzia. except the brand at aritzia, KO aka. Knock Out, has way more colors AND has Karen-fucking-O as their spokesmodel AND hand model. I'm sure it's probably quality stuff, too. but I'm cheap, so whatevssss.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
the buried life
everyone probably knows about THE BURIED LIFE, since it's been so hyped everywhere.. but I got into the hype a while ago and it's not BAD hype, I think it's really inspiring. I have a huge list of things to do before I die, like tons of stuff.
plus like, a lot more...
what's sad is that there are things on this list that may never be completed. I'd like to think they will, though.
1. graduate university/college 2. fill up my moleskines 3. paint the rock 4. graffiti something worthwhile 5. buy my own car with my own money 6. go skydiving 7. bungee-jumping 8. sew my own outfit 9. cook a huge meal by myself 10. move into my own house 11. get hit by a car 12. get into an accident 13. skate on the saint lawrence river 14. go bmx-ing 15. learn to surf + go surfing in australia 16. learn to skateboard 17. a cross-canada roadtrip 18. a cross-america roadtrip 19. go fully vegetarian 20. get married 21. have a baby/babies 22. get a dog 23. celebrate new year's in new york 24. experience manhattanhenge | 25. drive a convertible in LA 26. skinny-dip 27. go to the hot springs in banff 28. start snowboarding again 29. find a first-edition of my favorite book 30. kiss somebody in the rain 31. wake up in a random person's house 32. get a tattoo 33. be on television 34. DJ at a club 35. host SNL 36. ride an elephant 37. meet a transgendered person 38. break a mirror/window with my fist 39. shave my head 40. ride a bicycle in Paris, or Rome 41. go to a maqsuerade 42. build my own furniture from ikea 43. go river-rafting 44. camping without parents 45. backpack in any european country/countries 46. buy those studded booties | 47. paint a portrait 48. climb a major mountain 49. go to the calgary tower 50. read the lord of the rings trilogy 51. build a fort that takes up an entire room 52. go parasailing 53. build my own kite and fly it 54. watch the entire star wars series from first to last 55. ride a motorcycle (as a driver AND a passenger) 56. be on a talkshow 57. go to a poetry reading 58. jump into a pool with my clothes on 59. start a hobby i.e. collecting thing 60. volunteer my time/money to charity 61. being the first to dance at the folk fest 62. get pulled onstage by a band 63. get a black eye 64. write an article and get it published 65. get into a catfight 66. do a cleanse 67. throw a drink at someone 68. dance in a fountain, "FRIENDS" style 69. cuddle under the sheets |
plus like, a lot more...
what's sad is that there are things on this list that may never be completed. I'd like to think they will, though.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I've been on the run.
I dont know what it is about this song/ video but it makes me want to go to California so badly. Especially a road trip to California.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Great site for anything art related or just cool stuff in general
I would highly recommend checking it out! There is a huge variety of photographers, painters, and drawers so there is something for everyone.
forrest gump & brigitte bardot
early morning, can't-go-to-sleep post: I like brigitte bardot. Talk about giant 60s sexbomb, sex kitten, role model, what have you. The 60s was a decade of good times, good tunes, and really simple, loving things. People weren't so bent on being the best, or having the most money, or winning wars. I missed the best eras. I missed Woodstock, I missed the Beatles, I missed protesting the Vietnam War, I missed Muhammed Ali, I missed Nixon, I missed LSD, I missed love beads, I missed conscientious objection, I missed rock and roll. I always believed (the buddhist/taoist in me, I guess) that I was a 60s kid before. It's a great feeling, reincarnation.
hubba hubba
also, a little man named drew read this little blog, and so I suppose this is for him, because, in his words,
"we are like peas and carrots. like forrest and jen-nay".
I didn't get this book myself. My mother dearest went on a little bed-and-breakfast trip to victoria, BC and brought this home for me. I don't know where she got it. I like to think she chanced upon it and fate brought it to me. Thanks mommy.
also, a little man named drew read this little blog, and so I suppose this is for him, because, in his words,
"we are like peas and carrots. like forrest and jen-nay".
I didn't get this book myself. My mother dearest went on a little bed-and-breakfast trip to victoria, BC and brought this home for me. I don't know where she got it. I like to think she chanced upon it and fate brought it to me. Thanks mommy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I stole from the library
I was at the library awhile ago looking at some old Jules Verne books. Do you remember the times when we had to use cards to withdraw books? I miss those days. I stole the pockets since there were no cards anymore. Someone probably stole them already.
Things are all computerized; it's sad. and yet, I can't seem to get away from it.
and PARK now has a date for PARKSHOW, the fashion show and art sale that promotes Calgarian artists and designers. It's really exciting, and it's SATURDAY MARCH 10 at the chinese cultural centre. So I'm glad they're reppin' my people. everyone should go, it's really fun
Things are all computerized; it's sad. and yet, I can't seem to get away from it.
and PARK now has a date for PARKSHOW, the fashion show and art sale that promotes Calgarian artists and designers. It's really exciting, and it's SATURDAY MARCH 10 at the chinese cultural centre. So I'm glad they're reppin' my people. everyone should go, it's really fun
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Can't Wait
(This is my kind of summer.)
Now that christmas is over,
there are 113 days until SUMMER!
I can hardly wait.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
today was a good day, minus the weather. Had a day off, so I went for a movie. Then, I went home and screwed around on this site, STREETHEARTS. It has a shitload of streetstyle. it's all good, I love it. oh yes, for real. And then there's also avatar. soo good.
soooo good, especially in 3D
Monday, January 4, 2010
Hey been trying to meet you mmm.. hey must be a devil between us or whores in my head whores at the door whore in my bed but hey where have you been if you go i will surely die we're chained we're ch-ained we're chained uh said the man to the lady mmm uh said the lady to the man she adored and the whores like a choir uh uh all night and mary ain't you tired of this uh is the sound that the mother makes when the baby breaks we're chained we're ch-ained we're chained
So with a new semester on the horizon I find myself very excited to be starting new projects and getting some recent ideas that I have into some tactile form. Many of these ideas were inspired by eighties alternative grunge band Pixies, their raw sound and incredible energy is something that I would really love to translate into my work this semester. I've recently have been inspired by music in general to create a film or something like a continuous music video. Which i've only started to write and am very excited about.
Phillip Toledano
I went to co-op today and found some new books. This time I actually paid for them.. 35 cents for three? I never usually do, even though it's a trade/donate kind of thing. That's the asian in me, I hate paying. Anyways, I got Jaws, The Odyssey, and a really stupid one that I got just for kicks: The Fur Person. I actually saw Jaws a lot whenever I did my weekly check of the bookshelf but I never had the guts to get it. This time I did, so good for me.
I also was clicking around and checked out the blog Girl on Fire and discovered this really amazing site, about a photographer, Phillip Toledano and his little chronicling of his dad's last days. I liked it.
makes me sad. Reminds me of when my gramps died. But very inspiring.
P.S. I fuuuucking love my scanner. I scan everything.
I also was clicking around and checked out the blog Girl on Fire and discovered this really amazing site, about a photographer, Phillip Toledano and his little chronicling of his dad's last days. I liked it.
makes me sad. Reminds me of when my gramps died. But very inspiring.
P.S. I fuuuucking love my scanner. I scan everything.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
PURPLE & wordtomother
last-last year's issue of purple. Filthy filthy filthy magazine, but I really like it. So bad that you can only read it with your friends or by yourself in private, because the pictures are mostly too revealing, or creepy. Last year's came out and it was really nice, but alas, I can't afford to buy such things. anways, good mag and good interviews. It especially has nice photo spreads. And every issue has an embossed cover. Very classy.
also, this from wordtomother:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
nail polish & Dash Snow
toooday work was slow, so I finally gave in and decided to try out the new nail polish we got in! The brand is essie, a really really sweet company that makes some insane colours: neon pink (pink parka), neon orange (bright tights), gunmetal (over the top), sheer pink (rock candy), blue (aruba blue), and the one I like best, a seafoamy green one called "mint candy apple" hahaha yess so it's actually really good and really opaque so you barely need more than one or two coats.. the only thing is, I wanted it to be a matte nail polish because I have recently become addicted to matte polish. so, yeah.
Also I am finally going to post some stuff from Dash Snow, a crazy artist from NYC. I got this book (free) from the previous edition of Purple mag that I bought from chaaaapters. It was fucking expensive; 35 bucks! But it's huge and it only comes out once a year. Plus, it had a whole spread on Karen O, so.. worth it. I'll post that later. DASH SNOW makes some insane collages, which are for the most part really amazing but also disgusting since he uses his spit, jizz, and pubesssss. yuck.
Another book! I'm trying to catch up on all the missed book-posts from when my scanner wasn't working. I really really recommend this book to eveeeryone: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, who also wrote Everything is Illuminated, which is also really good. It's about a kid whose dad died in 9/11, and his little journey trying to find out where his dad's key belongs. Reeeeally good. I love his writing style. It's so disjoint. Anyways, you should know this book is good when I've read it ten times and actually PAID for it, which I never, ever do. So, read this.
Friday, January 1, 2010
anyways to start off the new year I set up my scanner to scan my book collection and made up a few good resolutions.
#1: move the fuck out of my house and into my own
#2: pass my first year of university with decent marks
#3: download some songs/buy more CDs
#4: work on this blog
#5: get my driver's license
#6: get a car
#7: go to coachella
and to start off with #4, I'm actually going to post some stuff about BOOKS, because that's what I was supposed to do a looong time ago. So, for 2010, I give you 1984 by George Orwell, my very first free book and scanned from my spankin'-new printer/faxer/scanner! This is my super-legit penguin books copy that I snatched from co-op's free book section. blast from the past!
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