(Ps. This is the very car in which this amazing memory took place)
Lately, because i've totally been in a summer kind of mood i've been thinking about some of the most significant moments in my life (most of them occur in the summer). One moment in particular really stuck with me.
It was summertime and one of my best friends and her boyfriend were driving in his car near Invermere it was really late at night so our car was the only one on the road and you could only see what was illuminated by his headlights. We were all in a pretty chill mood so I said "guys you have to listen to this song its perfect for right now!" So I put on Poison Oak by Bright Eyes we listened to it and were all silent. My close friend decided we should listen to it again and then tell each other what we think the song is about. I can remember being totally surrounded by the music and the moment of the 3 of us driving down the road late at night in the mountains. It really just made me appreciate my friends, the summer, the song, where we were, the weather and life in general. When I write it down it doesn't seem that momentous or incredible but it is the way I remember it.
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