anyways to start off the new year I set up my scanner to scan my book collection and made up a few good resolutions.
#1: move the fuck out of my house and into my own
#2: pass my first year of university with decent marks
#3: download some songs/buy more CDs
#4: work on this blog
#5: get my driver's license
#6: get a car
#7: go to coachella
and to start off with #4, I'm actually going to post some stuff about BOOKS, because that's what I was supposed to do a looong time ago. So, for 2010, I give you 1984 by George Orwell, my very first free book and scanned from my spankin'-new printer/faxer/scanner! This is my super-legit penguin books copy that I snatched from co-op's free book section. blast from the past!

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