Saturday, November 28, 2009


Today, I watched a really awful movie about pirates. It was bad. So bad that it inspired meet to talk about my favourite movies and more importantly, my favourite director of all time: WES ANDERSON. You know, the guy who directed all those super artsy movies, like The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Rushmore. I guess since I'm such an indie asshole, I love these movies. But O.K. Let's talk about Wes Anderson! He started off real small and his first movie, Bottle Rocket, not only boosted his career but the careers of a certain brotherly duo: Luke and Owen Wilson. And then Wes got into those really crazy, really awesome movies, mostly with Bill Murray cameos and Seu Jorge in the soundtrack. Then I got to creeping the interweb about him and found this really fantastic site! THE RUSHMORE ACADEMY, christened after his movie Rushmore, is all things Anderson and Anderson-related. There's a lot of fun stuff, especially about his new movie, Fantastic Mr. Fox.


I also found this quiz on their site, which I hope you like -- and which I definitely don't take credit for:

Here’s five ways to tell if you’re in a Wes Anderson film.

#1 You are or you see a lot of Bill Murray.
He’s been in all of Anderson’s movies except one … where presumably James Caan took his place. So, Bill Murray is a good indicator your life is in the middle of a Wes Anderson plot. (Note: This also holds true if you are or you see a lot of Kumar Pallana.)

#2 Your soundtrack has 70s rock-n-Roll or other obscure music.
Soundtracks are the thumbprint of movies, and Anderson’s print is distinctive, colorful, out-of-the-ordinary, and a little pretentious … which pretty much reflects his movies. So, if you own Seu Jorge …

#3 Your surroundings are bathed in bright, distinctive colors
(unless you’re going to make a suicide attempt … then it’s cool colors). If soundtracks are one thumbprint, this is the other. Especially if you wear greens and yellows or a range of reds and oranges.

#4 At the end of the day, things go in slow motion.
This holds true unless you’re running after a train; then it’s slow motion, followed by regular motion. So, #4 should read “At the end of the day, or in the next-to-last part of the end of the day …”

#5 You have a strange relationship with a parent or parental figure.
Especially if the strange relationship involves #1.

If more than 3 1/2 of these things describe you, smile, crank up your music, and slow down … your life, though crazy, is pretty good fodder for the rest of us.


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